Scott's Photographica Collection

Eastman Kodak Company
Kodaks and Kodak Supplies Catalog, 1926


1926 Eastman Kodak Catalog
1926 Eastman Kodak Catalog

Vintage catalogs are a relatively accessible source for collectors in need of primary research material.  With a collection of catalogs spanning decades it becomes possible to identify the time period a particular item was available for sale.  For collectors, catalogs help us date and identify our finds.

This Eastman Kodak catalog lists dozens of camera models and variations within models making it truly useful to the Kodak collector.

If you are researching one of the camera models listed below and would like to receive a scan of a catalog page, let me know.  I would be happy to email this to you gratis.

This illustrated 64 page catalog dated 1926 measures 5 1/2 x 7 3/4 inches.  Text is in English.  Prices are shown and informative descriptions are given for every item.  A retailer's stamp on the back cover reads: Earl V. Lewis Co., Inc. 226 West Fourth St.; 421 West Seventh St.; 731 West 18th. St. Los Angeles, Calif.  It seems Mr. Lewis preferred the west side of town to locate his stores.   The following camera models and accessories are listed in the catalog:

With lens and shutter variations and accessories tailored to each model it is apparent Eastman Kodak offered a vast array of choices to the amateur photographer in 1926.

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updated December 20, 2020