Scott's Photographica Collection

Tintype of American West Pioneers


Western Men Group Portrait
Western Men Group Portrait

I would like to know who these men were.  Something about their lives.  I purchased this tintype in California's Mendocino County, a rural area of Northern California, over 100 miles north of San Francisco.  I am assuming that this is a local photograph.  Logging was the primary industry in the area during the 1800s, and this group portrait was taken in a wooded area.  These men may have been associated with the logging industry.  But it is not wise to make assumptions when the only evidence is a single unidentified photograph.


Group Portrait Detail
Group Portrait Detail

The overall impression is of strong-willed pioneers of rural California's past.

Image size is 3 1/8 x 4 1/4 inches.


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Page created August 20, 2001;
updated December 20, 2020