Scott's Photographica Collection

Manufacture Francaise D'Armes Et Cycles
Mail Order Catalog and Cartoon


Wedding Chaos
Frustrated Wedding Photographer

It appears that Dad is having a good time at his daughter's wedding to the frustration of the photographer, amusement of the neighborhood children and animals.  This colorful cartoon is from a French mail order catalog, ca late 1920s.


Mail Order Catalog Page
Mail Order Catalog Page

When I purchased the cartoon it was accompanied by 20 pages from the photographic goods section of a mail order catalog.  The page shown above offers stereo cameras and viewers for sale.  The catalog lists a Mollier Le Cent-Vues camera, second model.  If I could place an order today, that's the camera I would buy.


Home Page
Page created July 12, 2001;
updated December 20, 2020