Scott's Photographica Collection

Sands & Hunter
Improved Tourist Camera


Sands & Hunter Improved Tourist Camera
Sands & Hunter Improved Tourist Camera

The Improved Tourist is a finely crafted brass-bound mahogany 1/2 plate camera capable of taking both stereo and single photographs.  The stereo images are a generous 1/4 plate size or approximately 3 x 4 inches each.  By shifting the lens board and capping one lens, single non-stereo photographs can be taken.

Sands & Hunter was a long-lived London, England camera manufacturer and retailer.  The name of the firm changed over time, progressing from Hunter & Sands; Sands & Hunter; Sands, Hunter & Company and finally Sands, Hunter & Company Ltd.  The maker's name appears as Sands & Hunter on this particular camera indicating it must have been manufactured sometime between 1883 and 1892.

This example does not have a shutter.  If one existed at some time in its past, it would have probably been an accessory attachment fitted over the lenses.  In the absence of a shutter it was fairly common to control exposure by removing and replacing the lens caps.  The lenses are f/8 Thornton Pickard Beck Symmetricals with iris diaphragms.  The bellows is a deep red color.  The Improved Tourist is a tailboard design with a side wing for extra rigidity.

Back View of Improved Tourist Camera
Back View of Improved Tourist Camera


Closed Improved Tourist Camera
Closed Improved Tourist Camera


Maker's Nameplate
Maker's Nameplate


Home Page
Page created June 19, 2001;
updated December 20, 2020