Scott's Photographica Collection

Carmen SA
Pygmee Camera

The Pygmee is a small tin camera dating from the 1930s.  It was made by Carmen SA of France.  It took twelve 24 x 24mm exposures on a special paper-backed roll film available at the time for 95 centimes.  A red window is used to count exposures.  

Carmen Pygmee Camera
Carmen Pygmee Camera

There are two chrome levers on the face of the camera.  One lever switches between time and instantaneous exposure, the other is the shutter release.  The viewfinder is a very slim hollow tube located on top of the camera.


Pygmee With Back Cover Detached
Pygmee With Back Cover Detached

According to one source, not many of these cameras were sold.  But I was pleased to find this one at the flea market in Belfort, France!


Home Page
Page created June 19, 2001;
updated December 20, 2020