Scott's Photographica Collection

Tokyo Kogaku
Mighty Camera


Mighty With Red Covering and Telephoto Lens
Mighty With Red Covering and Telephoto Lens


For a camera that stands only 35mm tall to call itself Mighty, it must have a big opinion of itself.  But then, as far as "Hit" style cameras go, this one lives up to its name.

The Mighty is a bit heavier with a somewhat more solid feel than similar subminiatures.  One mighty feature of this diminutive camera is it sports two viewfinders.  One is a standard eye-level finder; the other is a right angle waist-level style, but in practical use, it is really a nose-level finder.

The shutter has time and instantaneous settings.  The aperture is adjustable with settings for f/4.5, 6.3 and 8.  The Mighty uses Hit type paper-backed roll film, producing a 14 x 14 mm image.

The Mighty has the words Made in Occupied Japan stamped into its bottom cover and dates to 1948.

A mighty camera should accept some mighty accessories, and here the Mighty excels.  Accessories include a lens hood, 2x f/4.5 telephoto lens and compartment carrying case.

The two Mightys in my collection are nearly identical.  One example has a red covering and the other has black leatherette.  The red camera is probably an improved model as the latch for the hinged back seems like a better, more rugged design than that of the black camera.

The black camera's telephoto lens has a heavy plastic two-tone case with the words Mighty Telephoto Lens molded into the screw-on lid.


Mighty With Black Covering in Gift Box Outfit
Mighty With Black Covering in Gift Box Outfit


Red Covered Mighty With Lens Hood and Telephoto Lens
Red Covered Mighty With Lens Hood and Telephoto Lens


Red Covered Mighty Gift Box Outfit
Red Covered Mighty Gift Box Outfit


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Page created July 18, 2001;
updated December 20, 2020