Scott's Photographica Collection

Clarus Camera Manufacturing Company
Clarus MS-35 Major Feature Variations Illustrated


Lens Mount

New Lens Mount

New style lens mount for helical lenses. The engraved line above the mount serves as the distance scale index mark.  It is engraved in the camera top cover.

Early New Lens Mount

New style lens mount for helical lenses. The distance scale index is just a small nick in the lens mount proper.  This style of index is probably earlier than that seen in the image above.  Photo by Ken Locke.


Original Lens Mount

Original, or old style lens mount for rotating lenses. On rotating mount lenses the distance scale index was incorporated into the lens focusing ring.

Flash Synchronization


Cast Shoe Camera with Flash Synchronization

The arrow points to the location of the flash cord connector on cast shoe cameras.  Compare this location to the next image of a sheet metal shoe camera.


Sheet Metal Shoe Camera with Flash Synchronization

The arrow points to the location of the flash cord connector on sheet metal shoe cameras.


Camera Without Flash Synchronization

This camera does not have a flash cord connector.

Accessory Shoe


Sheet Metal Accessory Shoe

A sheet metal accessory shoe.


Cast Accessory Shoe

A cast accessory shoe.


Solid Accessory Shoe

"Solid" shoe - this shoe is also cast, but in one solid piece.

Back Latch


Twist Back Latch

Twist-to-open back latch.


Sliding Back Latch

Sliding back latch.

Viewfinder Bezels


Viewfinder without Window Bezels

Plain viewfinder windows without bezels.


Viewfinder Window Bezels

Viewfinder window bezels.

Strap Lugs


Camera without Strap Lugs

Camera without strap lugs.


Camera with Strap Lugs

Strap lug.

Shutter Speed Dial


Notched Shutter Speed Dial

Notched shutter speed dial.


Leica-Style Shutter Speed Dial

Leica-style shutter speed dial.


Home Page
Page created June 16, 2003;
updated December 20, 2020