Scott's Photographica Collection

American Advertising and Research Corp.
Cub Camera


Cub Camera
Cub Camera

I can't imagine even the most hardened and serious camera collector walking away from this great little gem.  Well, at least I didn't.

The Cub, created by the American Advertising and Research Corporation of Chicago, Illinois was available in 1940 as a Pepsodent dental products advertising premium.  The price of the camera was one Pepsodent box and 15 cents.  What a good deal.  The camera even has a glass lens.  To this day the shutter still works though I haven't checked it for accuracy.


Cub Camera
Cub Camera

The Cub takes size 828 rollfilm making a surprisingly large 28x40mm image.  This tiny camera makes an image larger than a full-frame 35mm camera … so trade-in your Leica.  The Cup sports a red window in back for counting exposures.  No complicated electro-mechanical engineering to get out of whack.

Additional Information

Here is a link to a great advertisement for the Cub camera and Pepsodent products.


Home Page
Page created January 23, 2002;
updated December 20, 2020