Scott's Photographica Collection

Contessa-Nettel A.G.
Camera Catalog, 1925


Contessa-Nettel Camera Catalog
Contessa-Nettel Camera Catalog

Contessa-Nettel was a major German manufacturer of quality camera equipment.  The company was located in Stuttgart, Germany and operated  under the Contessa-Nettel name from 1919 until 1926.  Contessa-Nettel was formed from the merger of Nettel and Contessa in 1919.  In 1926 Contessa-Nettel merged with Ica, Ernemann and Goerz forming the photographic giant Zeiss-Ikon.

If you are researching one of the camera models listed below and would like to receive a scan of a catalog page, let me know.  I would be happy to email this to you gratis.

This illustrated 28 page catalog dated 1925 measures 115 x 195 mm.  The text is in German with prices in Marks.  A retailer's stamp on the cover appears to read Deutsche Photographische Ges. M. D. H. Schmiedstr. 11,  Hamburg.  The following camera models are listed in the catalog:

Each model is further broken down by film size, lens and shutter variations,  packing an incredible number of unique cameras in only 28 pages!  It would take some time to collect one of each.  Gotta run...


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Page created June 22, 2001;
updated December 20, 2020